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F. AT. Q.

Any questions?

Do you have any questions? Our customer service is at your disposal and will answer you as soon as possible.

Do not hesitate to contact us at contact@marchekonstantina. com

Frequently Asked Questions:

When will I receive my order?

Orders are usually delivered from our warehouse within one business day of your purchase confirmation.

If your order confirmation has been validated before 3:00 p.m., delivery will be made the next working day between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. according to the schedule of our delivery service.

If your order confirmation was validated after 3:00 p.m., delivery will be made on the second following working day between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. according to the schedule of our delivery service.

In peak periods, there may be delays, in which case you will be notified by our delivery service.

My order is not complete

If you find that your order has not been delivered to you completely and that some items are missing during delivery, do not hesitate to contact us immediately by email at contact@archekonstantina. com or by phone at: (438) 355 8250 to report an item not received.

Can I cancel or modify my order?

We usually process orders within 12 hours of your confirmation, for this reason you have 6 hours after ordering to send a cancellation or modification email to contact@marchekonstantina. com

Beyond this time your items will have already been shipped, so we will not be able to modify or cancel your order.

Is the item I received defective?

Despite our rigorous verification during packaging and transport, some items may be damaged.

In this case, please contact us contact us at contact@marchekonstantina. com with the following details:

  1. Your order number
  2. A copy of your invoice
  3. The description of the problem (erroneous / defective item, …)
  4. A photo or video of the product in question.

You will not need to return the product and we will refund the amount of your order directly to you in the form of a purchase voucher (if you wish another form of refund, please let us know) or we will replace the affected product on your next order.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept the following payment methods on our website: Visa, American Express, Mastercard, Debit Cards, PayPal and Bank Cards.

Is my information secure?

To protect your personal data, we take reasonable precautions and follow industry best practices to ensure that it is not inappropriately lost, misused, accessed, disclosed, altered or destroyed.

If you provide us with your credit card information, it will be encrypted using the SSL security protocol and stored with AES-256 encryption.

Although no method of transmission over the Internet, or electronic storage is 100% secure, we follow all PCI-DSS requirements and implement additional generally accepted industry standards.