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Without exaggeration, best meat in town, very good choice of pastries, super clean little market.
Noor is a gift
Best quality meat in town, very reasonable prices, great service and very clean.
Amal El-Baz
A very welcoming food market that offers very good quality fresh meat and a superb variety of oriental flavors. Best wishes!
You will love it Best pastries at very economical prices
Furrukh Ahmed Shaikh
Boning on site by our professional butchers

The carcass meat is of incomparable freshness and top-of-the-range quality

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Local delivery and pick up in store...

Your purchases can be delivered to your home or picked up in our store from Monday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Simply select the delivery or pick-up option online and choose your pick-up time. We will take care of delivering your purchases in the best conditions or preparing your order upon your arrival.

We source from local suppliers who share our values ​​and our commitment to quality and sustainability.